Ontwikkeling van de QBO, zonneactiviteit, ENSO, MJO en de winter 2019/2020

Alles wat betrekking heeft op het buitenlands weer. Tropische stormen, orkanen, etc.
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Berichten: 3194
Lid geworden op: 31-07-1978

Re: Ontwikkeling van de QBO, zonneactiviteit, ENSO, MJO en de winter 2019/2020

Bericht door Karel » 19-11-2019 20:03

De waarde van de QBO was op 30hPa d.d 17 november 3,8.

Vanaf 1995 gezien waren de novembers van de jaren 1995 en 2002 in dezelfde QBO fase.

De zonneaktiviteit uitgedrukt in de Solar Flux is met de waarde rond de 70 minimaal evenals in 1995 en 2002.
ENSO is in de neutrale fase. De MJO is momenteel met redelijke sterkte in fase 8 aangeland en zal de komende 2 weken uitdoven.

Grote speler dit najaar, in tegenstelling tot 1995 en 2002, lijkt samen met bovenstaande actoren de stratosfeer te gaan worden. Zoals bekend neemt de zonale snelheid in de troposfeer met ongeveer 5m/s bij een SSW af.[http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~delde10 ... SSW.pdfurl][/url]

Dit najaar is toch weer heel apart.

Berichten: 1037
Lid geworden op: 31-12-1979

Re: Ontwikkeling van de QBO, zonneactiviteit, ENSO, MJO en de winter 2019/2020

Bericht door Paul » 21-11-2019 10:15

Fijn je weer terug te zien op het forum, Karel. Een vraagje over de grafiek aangaande de QBO: is dat een normaal terugkerend patroon, dat de zonale wind op de evenaar meer westelijk is dan een aantal breedtegraden noordelijker en zuidelijker?

Berichten: 12416
Lid geworden op: 31-12-1977

Re: Ontwikkeling van de QBO, zonneactiviteit, ENSO, MJO en de winter 2019/2020

Bericht door Sebastiaan » 21-11-2019 16:26

Bericht van Tamara. AAM valt, minder kans op meandering. Paul, begrijp jij wat ze zegt met het zwart gemaakte?

Over the course of the last month, globally averaged angular momentum has risen some +3SD c/o the intra seasonal high frequency MJO wave completing a full mini ENSO cycle orbit through the tropics. This eastward moving amplitude progression has injected significant westerly inertia into the atmosphere and these westerlies propagate poleward with time and account for the amplified tropospheric pattern and early season perturbing of the tropopause.

However the context of this angular momentum rally, and the westerly momentum it has added to the atmospheric circulation - is that it represents a peak of total global angular momentum only back to parity after a -3SD disconnect at the mid-way point of this season.

The eagle eyed with access to the budget plots will notice the current reality showing both frictional and mountain torques are trending -ve following the recent high frequency signal induced AAM spike, and as the tropical wave through the Pacific completes the latest mini ENSO cycle. Easterly winds are therefore being added to the global wind-flow circulation and constraining the Global Wind Oscillation into descending momentum Phase 8 (opposite transitional phase to rising momentum Phase 4) as +ve westerly inertia is scrubbed from the tropics and extra tropics

So with momentum now falling back from its peak, there is no significant long term support for amplification mechanism unless further tropical>extra tropical ammunition is available beyond the usual lagged timelines of +ve momentum transport within the extra tropics. Short term deceleration of zonal winds within the lower stratosphere cannot be sustained in the absence of a continued supply of tropical westerlies propagating poleward to balance the wind-flow budgets with compensatory -ve momentum deposits at higher latitude, and according to the laws of conservation of angular momentum

With all this in mind, and according to pre-winter wavelengths, any suggested blocking and potential -NAO signal has to be presupposed on a further robust Global Wind Oscillation Phase 4 signal stemming from another substantive increase in angular momentum tendency. Continuing churning within the tropics would suggest in these circumstances that another high frequency orbit recommences centred in the Indian Ocean, would head eastwards and equate to further westerly winds being added across the tropics and reflected by rising +ve frictional torque leading +ve mountain torque tendency.

Here below is a suggested late November/early December composite for Phase 4 GWO - but for a holding +ve anomaly due south of Greenland as trailered by that composite, the strong caveat is it assumes lower stratospheric diminution and a sustainably subverted polar field which is far from assured. Otherwise, a quickly reverting return to a more neutral GWO orbit assumes an ephemeral amplification/ tropopause subversion leading to a less amplified profile and with greater polar jet flow. Much as Tom and David @Isothermand @Bring Back 1962-63 have corroborated and attested to. Also consistent with my own purported analysis of pattern progression this month and into December
Following amplitude orbits of the high frequency tropical signal, suppression of convection occurs - and this is proscriptive to any especially early return to Pacific forcing and means that any deterministic high frequency modelling entertaining such a scenario carries an irresolute weighting. Consideration should be given to empirical recourse of the periodicity of high frequency waves based on circa 60 days (to maximum of 90 days) for such particularly active cycles. Temperature contrasts between tropical and polar stratosphere, solar and QBO transition considerations may err the fulcrum balance of timing of further active full progression to an early timing parameter end-of the-envelope. This adds implication and ammunition for discussion as to how the winter progresses beyond the New Year , but objectivity *should* allow for a range of possible solutions and not restriction to any bias solution, for those who hold one.

By way of conclusion, a few related and other general observations :

1) The Global Synoptic Dynamical Model (GSDM) is a diagnostic instrument that calculates global-wind flow budgets and is broken down into separate momentum budgets that give some idea where exchanges of those wind-flows will exert a turning force on the flow, as manifested by torque mechanisms - and according to whether easterly or westerly additions are being added and removed from the atmospheric circulation. So helping to disseminate and identify decelerations and accelerations and trajectory switches of the jet stream. It also provides an assessment of planetary wave movement between the troposphere and potentially impacting the stratosphere according to strength of any poleward momentum transport. Importantly, though, it is a year round diagnostic that never "sleeps" and is not yet another magic bullet that comes alive in time for snow-making in winter. My own personal use of this diagnostic extends to the whole year and is based on detached impartiality as means to gain maximum educational benefit - with seasonal preferences that equally cover the whole year suspended as much as possible and which, in my humble opinion and experience, conflict directly with such aims

2) Using MJO composites alone cannot accurately depict wind-flow exchanges and risk fallacious and specious use when used for synoptic analogue comparisons because, as discussed above, the tropics are only one part of the momentum budget and consideration of wind-flow propagation and exchange between both the tropics and the extra tropics must be considered - and then how these may, according to season and seasonal wavelengths, influence the relationship between the troposphere and stratosphere. This is why the Global Wind Oscillation is a more reliable tool to use for composite assessment because it is a depiction of both tropical and extra tropical flow - with the tropics being the engine room for direction of momentum travel but not the full determinant, and especially if and when the tropics and extra tropics show disconnect and are acting in lag states to one another. In this sense, the dampening and exciting of torques is lead by frictional torque (the initial inflection point of where changing wind-flows meet and alter the jet stream) and mountain torques take their cue from frictional torque tendency

3) These diagnostics clearly drive the numerical model, the model doesn't drive the diagnostic signal. So using numerical model projections of teleconnections like the AO and NAO etc rely wholly on how accurately NWP interprets the diagnostic. NWP contains bias and is relatively poor at reading tropical >extra tropical momentum budget changes and large wind-flow switches that create the biggest torque mechanisms frequently cause the most intra day chaos within suites. Face value interpretation of such numerical model vacillation induces its own human variant of vicissitude, - driven by emotional and preference bias myopia. Abstemiously, there is no room and hiding place for bias preference when using diagnostic science to eschew pattern analysis

Berichten: 3194
Lid geworden op: 31-07-1978

Re: Ontwikkeling van de QBO, zonneactiviteit, ENSO, MJO en de winter 2019/2020

Bericht door Karel » 21-11-2019 16:43

@Paul Dat is inderdaad gemiddeld!het geval. Het beeld is rond de evenaar sterk wisselend.

Berichten: 3194
Lid geworden op: 31-07-1978

Re: Ontwikkeling van de QBO, zonneactiviteit, ENSO, MJO en de winter 2019/2020

Bericht door Karel » 21-11-2019 17:26

De ontwikkeling van ENSO sinds september is richting een zwakke CP El Niño. Dat geeft een tropische invloed op de extratropen in de Pacific.
https://www.bestweatherinc.com/energy/e ... 6210937500


Berichten: 1037
Lid geworden op: 31-12-1979

Re: Ontwikkeling van de QBO, zonneactiviteit, ENSO, MJO en de winter 2019/2020

Bericht door Paul » 24-11-2019 20:54

Sebastiaan schreef:
21-11-2019 16:26
Bericht van Tamara. AAM valt, minder kans op meandering. Paul, begrijp jij wat ze zegt met het zwart gemaakte?

Here below is a suggested late November/early December composite for Phase 4 GWO - but for a holding +ve anomaly due south of Greenland as trailered by that composite, the strong caveat is it assumes lower stratospheric diminution and a sustainably subverted polar field which is far from assured. Otherwise, a quickly reverting return to a more neutral GWO orbit assumes an ephemeral amplification/ tropopause subversion leading to a less amplified profile and with greater polar jet flow. Much as Tom and David @Isothermand @Bring Back 1962-63 have corroborated and attested to. Also consistent with my own purported analysis of pattern progression this month and into December
Ik heb de verwijzing niet, maakt het interpreteren wat moeilijk, los van de vaktaal en ingewikkelde materie ;) . Wat ik desondanks hieruit opmaak is dat de getoonde composite voor fase 4 GWO alleen relevant is als de stratosferische verzwakking die in de verwachting zit ook werkelijk zo uitwerkt. Zo niet, dan krijgen we te maken met een kortstondige verzwakking van de troposferische (subtropische naar ik aanneem) straalstroom.

Ik heb nog steeds moeite met de toepassing van de GWO/AAM voor het te verwachten weer. Het effect van de sterk positieve AAM bijvoorbeeld van februari tot april dit jaar kon ik niet terugvinden in de algehele atmosferische circulatie. Verder vind ik het storend dat de gegevens niet (meer) voor buitenstaanders (als ik) beschikbaar zijn. Dat maakt het vakgebied een nog meer elitair gebeuren.

Desondanks blijven de berichten van Tamara goed (hoewel stevig) leesvoer. Geef je nog de verwijzing?

Berichten: 12416
Lid geworden op: 31-12-1977

Re: Ontwikkeling van de QBO, zonneactiviteit, ENSO, MJO en de winter 2019/2020

Bericht door Sebastiaan » 26-11-2019 10:34

The teleconnection from the Madden‐Julian Oscillation (MJO) provides a source of subseasonal variability and predictability to the North Atlantic‐European (NAE) region. The El Niño‐Southern Oscillation (ENSO) modulates the seasonal mean state, through which the MJO and its teleconnection pattern propagates; however, its impact on this teleconnection to the NAE region has not been investigated. Here we find a robust dependence of the teleconnections from the MJO to NAE weather regimes on the phase of ENSO. We show that the MJO to NAO+ regime tropospheric teleconnection is strongly enhanced during El Niño years, via enhanced Rossby wave activity, and suppressed during La Niña. Conversely, the MJO to NAO− regime stratospheric teleconnection is enhanced during La Niña years and suppressed during El Niño. This dependence on the background state has strong implications for subseasonal predictability, including interannual variations in subseasonal predictive skill. http://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ ... 19GL084683

ENSO speelt een belangrijke rol in hoeverre MJO doorwerkt. MJO->NAO+ versterkt tijdens El Nino, vermindert tijdens La Nina.

MJO-> NAO- versterkt tijdens La Nina jaren en verslapt tijdens El Nino.

Berichten: 12416
Lid geworden op: 31-12-1977

Re: Ontwikkeling van de QBO, zonneactiviteit, ENSO, MJO en de winter 2019/2020

Bericht door Sebastiaan » 26-11-2019 10:46

Fase 0-8 en verschillende ENSO. 'Alle jaren' heb ik weggelaten.
Je hebt niet voldoende permissies om de bijlagen van dit bericht te bekijken.

Berichten: 3194
Lid geworden op: 31-07-1978

Re: Ontwikkeling van de QBO, zonneactiviteit, ENSO, MJO en de winter 2019/2020

Bericht door Karel » 28-11-2019 08:23

Bedankt Sebastiaan voor de MJO informatie.

Het is eind november en tijd om enige conclusies te trekken op grond van ontwikkeling QBO, zonneactiviteit, ENSO en sneeuwdekgroei Siberië.

Zoals eind oktober al duidelijk was is de herfst van 2002, 1995 en 1978 de beste analoog voor de QBO. 2002 is de beste analoog voor ook de andere aspecten.

De ontwikkeling van de straalstroom op de Pacific zonder de zuidelijke ligging in de oostelijke Pacific is gunstig voor de uitwerking van de stratosferische opwarming in december op Eurasië in januari en februari ( Zie Domeisen en Cohen e.a. in de ECMWF stratosfeer discussie).

De dynamische modellen geven een grote depressieactiviteit in het poolgebied te zien. De warme Bering Straat en de warme Pacific ten zuiden van Alaska met de koude oostelijke tropische Pacific zijn daar de oorzaak van. QBO ,warme centrale tropische Pacific. sneeuwdek en stratosfeer geven bij de berekeningen blijkbaar te zwakke signalen af.

Keuze voor analoge methode en 2002. Hellmanngetal voor winter 2019-2020 eind oktober opgegeven:84 (januari en februari leveren de punten)

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