Twentieth-century Azores High expansion unprecedented in the past 1,200 years

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Berichten: 12413
Lid geworden op: 31-12-1977

Twentieth-century Azores High expansion unprecedented in the past 1,200 years

Bericht door Sebastiaan » 03-08-2022 22:15 ... 8fe1d814b0
Eenvoudig geschreven artikel
De studie
The Azores High is a persistent atmospheric high-pressure ridge over the North Atlantic surrounded by anticyclonic winds that steer rain-bearing weather systems and modulate the oceanic moisture transport to Europe. The areal extent of the Azores High thereby affects precipitation across western Europe, especially during winter. Here we use observations and ensemble climate model simulations to show that winters with an extremely large Azores High are significantly more common in the industrial era (since CE 1850) than in pre-industrial times, resulting in anomalously dry conditions across the western Mediterranean, including the Iberian Peninsula. Simulations of the past millennium indicate that the industrial-era expansion of the Azores High is unprecedented throughout the past millennium (since CE 850), consistent with precipitation proxy evidence from Portugal. Azores High expansion emerges after CE 1850 and strengthens into the twentieth century, consistent with anthropogenically driven warming.

Berichten: 7884
Lid geworden op: 31-10-1980

Re: Twentieth-century Azores High expansion unprecedented in the past 1,200 years

Bericht door John » 04-08-2022 10:19

Niet echt een fijn bericht.

In mijn dromen is het systeem al vaker uitgegroeid geweest tot monsterlijke proporties, waarin het weerbeeld een half jaar lang door droogte, zonneschijn en warmte gedomineerd werd. :lol:

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