European schreef:
Bützow Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Germany (53.85 N, 11.98 E)
05-05-2015 (Tuesday) 16:48 UTC
based on: information from : photo or video of the event, an eye-witness report, a newspaper report, a television or radio broadcast, photograph(s) and/or video footage of the inflicted damage, a report on a website, an eyewitness report of the damage
occurring over: land
The funnel cloud was observed.
direction of movement: SW-NE
damage to property: houses damaged. houses badly damaged; church damaged. cars lifted
damage to crops and forests: trees downed / snapped
total damage: extensive damage
number of people injured: 30
number of people dead: 0
tornado filmed and confirmed; strong damage in the town of Bützow (possible F3); site survey information will follow; S1: "[Tornado] 05.05.2015 - Bützow [LRO|MV]", Skywarn Deutschland Forum; S2: "Der Tornado in Bützow im Video", reported v. JorinVerges v. Twitter, 05 MAY 2015; S3: "Schwerer Tornado verwüstet ganze Ortschaft: Autos fliegen bis zu 70 Metern durch die Luft - Dächer der halben Stadt mit Krankenhaus und Kirche abgerissen - Straßen mit Dachziegeln übersäht - 30 Verletzte und etliche Obdachlose", NONSTEOPNEWS, 05 MAY / 06 MAY 2015; S4: "Bützow ein einziges Trümmerfeld", SCHWERINER VOLKSZEITUNG, 05 MAY 2015; S5: "Drohnenvideo zeigt Millionenschäden in Bützow", NORDDEUTSCHER RUNDFUNK, 06 MAY 2015; S6: "Entstehender Tornado bei Warnow?", NORDDEUTSCHER RUNDFUNK, 05 MAY 2015; S7: "Zerstörerische Windhose fegt durch Bützow", N-TV, 06 MAY 2015; S8: "Bützow nach dem Sturm | 05.05.2015 | AFTERMATH RAW FOOTAGE, 05 MAY 2015 (several videos showing the tornado, several authors);
report status: report confirmed (QC1)
contact: Thilo Kühne (ESWD management)
Groß Laasch Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Germany (53.35 N, 11.55 E)
05-05-2015 (Tuesday) 16:30 UTC
based on: information from : an eye-witness report, photograph(s) and/or video footage of the inflicted damage, a report on a website, an eyewitness report of the damage
occurring over: land
intensity and characteristics: F2
the intensity rating was based on a written account of the damage (e.g. in a newspaper), photograph(s) and/or video footage of the inflicted damage, an eyewitness report of the damage.
damage to property: railway station badly damaged
damage to crops and forests: forest areas partly destroyed
tornado plausible, not confirmed yet; further information will follow; source: Gemeinde Groß Laasch / local firefighters; photo report;
report status: report confirmed (QC1)
contact: Thilo Kühne (ESWD management)
W of Rampe. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Germany (53.68 N, 11.48 E)
05-05-2015 (Tuesday) 16:00 UTC (+/- 15 min.)
based on: information from : photo or video of the event, an eye-witness report, a report on a website
occurring over: land
intensity and characteristics: F1
the intensity rating was based on a written account of the damage (e.g. in a newspaper), photograph(s) and/or video footage of the inflicted damage, an eyewitness report of the damage.
The funnel cloud was observed.
damage to crops and forests: trees damaged
tornado observed near Rampe village; source: witness video material; youtube, 05 MAY 2015;
report status: report confirmed (QC1)
contact: Thilo Kühne (ESWD management)